1MW Dual Axis-solar Tracking Racking, Generates 10MW/p Energy per Day.

1MW Fixed Tilted-solar Panel Racking, only Generate 5MW/p Energy per Day!

Solar Racking is all about how much Energy each Racking Type can Generate per Day!

So, Change the Solar Panel QTY, Watts, Racking Type to your Latitude Location, for a more accurate Calculation!

NB: Only the RED cells can be changed, currently set for a 1MW Solar Farm.

 1) Solar Farm Energy GENERATION;

 Enter Solar Panel Quantity:


 Installing 500W solar panels requires 2'000 panels ! 
 Select Solar Panel Power:



   *Total Solar Panel Cost: $
 Select Solar Racking Type:

 For accurate calculation, if solar array is effected by Shading from trees, buildings or terrain, reduce the hours of Harvesting.

 Total Solar Power Generated:

MW/p energy per Day.    

kW/p energy per Day

 Solar Array Size 

per Hour/peak

 Energy Generated 

per Day/peak

 Energy Generated 

per Week/peak

 Energy Generated 

per Month/peak

 Energy Generated 

per Quarter/peak

 Energy Generated 

per Year/peak

 Above Fields indicate peak Energy production, other transmission losses reduce these results. 

 2) Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGC);

 Read more Information on Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGC) Market Price

 *Enter LGC Certificate Price:

$ per MW 


$ per kW 

 Change the LGC Certificates Price above to the current offer Market rates.

 3) Australian Energy Market PRICE; (AEMO) Electricity Price & Demand, Available Here.

 Get the live Australian National Spot Electricity Market Price 

 The Wholesale Market Spot Price 

$ per MW 


$ per kW 

 Spot Price varies from $60~$180MW.

 Change the Spot Market Price Field above, to the Current or Offered Market rates!


 per Hour


per Day


per Week


per Month


per Year

$ $




 Above income Fields are Calculated by the above Market Spot Price Field.

 4) Solar Farm - Potential Return-On-Income (ROI) Payback time;

 Enter/Estimated TOTAL System Equipment Cost: 

$ DATs, Solar Panels and Cabling Cost etc.

 Enter/Estimated TOTAL Installation Cost: 

$ Labour: 96x DART's @$5'000each =$480k, +Trenching etc. Self Installation=Big Savings !

Approx. Yearly LGC: 

$ Calculated on Large-scale Generation Certificate Rate set above.

 *Yearly P2P or PPA Feed-in INCOME: 

$ Calculated on P2P Energy Trading or Spot Market Price set above !

 *Years to Financial ROI: 

 Years  based on the figures entered above, enter your own figures !

  PLEASE NOTE: You need to Change the RED Fields ABOVE to see a different Investment Payback Time !

 5) Solar Farm Cost;

Solar Farm Array Capital Expense: 

$per kW   OR  $ per Watt  = Total System Cost ÷ by system kW.

  Solar Levelised Cost of Energy LCOE: 

$per kW  LCOE = Total System Cost ÷ 25 year energy Generation.


 LCOE is Calculated on the total out of pocket Cost ÷ 25 years (assumed lifetime) ÷ Array kW.

 6) Ongoing ROI INCOME;

   ROI Income after Break-Even-Point: 

$  $  $  $ for Your Energy.


 You can ONLY Change the above RED Fields to see the Investment Payback Time!

Important: *Please note that all amounts and estimates shown above can be set to suit multiple configurations, and are used for symbolic estimation purpose only.  The actual figure depends on lots of issues including quantity of sun (cloud coverage), single or dual axis tracking, cabling (DC/AC), electrical connections and electronic losses etc.  These amounts and figures should be considered as example only, and under whatever circumstances, we do not make any guarantee, or cannot be held responsible about these estimates, if used as an actual return on investment!


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