Automatic Light Tracking Hybrid Equipment

Polish Dual Axis-solar Radiation Control Module

Radiation Tracking is superior to any GPS or Time Tracking !

Download: Latest 2024 REI DART Controller User Manual with MOSFET 

We Recommend Downloading & Printing the User Manual & Highlighting the the Setting that suit your Tracker !

2023 REI DART Controller User Manual with Replaceable RELAY’s 

2022 REI DART Controller User Manual with MOSFET's 

Page last updated:  10-Sep-2024

DART ControllerWe are pleased to bring you the 12~24V Polish Made, Dual Axis-solar Radiation Tracking (DART) Controller that Generate upwards of 15% more energy than GPS Tracking, and up-to 60% more Energy than any Fixed or Tilted Solar Racking per year, largely due to GPS Not being able to read the Brightness/Radiation of the Sky, like on Cloudy days !

An affordable item that is commonly overlooked, you will recovers the few hundred spent with the additional Energy Generated in a short time !

The software can now be setup to WiFi control up to 30 DART Units if used in Solar Farm & within 300mt distance.

------ Below is the latest Set-up Recommendations for the Southern Hemisphere ------

Device states and reactions of button functions;

  1. Automatic mode: The controller performs measurements every TX for the EW axis and TY for the SN axis and corrects the tracker's position with the accuracy of V1.
    1. "C" button held down for a Long time will start the wind protection procedure, this function allows you to lay the work surface flat with one button without having to hold it for the entire duration of the movement.
    2. "M" button pressed for a short time (1s). switches the device to manual mode.
    3. Long (>5s) "M" button switches the device into the Configuration mode.
    4. The E W S N buttons remain inactive when in the Automatic mode.
  2. Manual mode: The controller responds to buttons E W S N and turns on the motors in selected directions.
    1. Press button C for a short time to switch back to Automatic mode.
    2. buttons E W S N turn on the motors in the appropriate directions.
  3. Configuration mode: The controller displays configuration parameters so that they can be modified by the user.
    1. Pressing the M button for >5 seconds enters into Configuration mode.
    2. Pressing the C button for a short time Saves any Changed settings & switches to Automatic mode.
    3. The M button remains inactive during Configuration mode.
    4. E & W buttons are used to move/scrolls to the previous / next parameter.
    5. Holding the E or W button for a short time starts to Rapidly Scroll backwards or forward of the Parameters.
    6. S & N buttons are used to decrease / increase the parameter value.
    7. Holding the S or N button for a short time starts to Rapidly increase or decrease the Parameter Value.

Buttons and their Functions;

  1. C - Automatic mode:
    1. Press button from Manual mode starts the automatic mode.
    2. Hold button for 3s starts the wind protection procedure & parks racking horizontal.
    3. Press button from Configuration mode, Saves any changed parameters & enters Automatic mode.
    4. Press & holding the N button shows the Light Sensor readings in all 4 directions.
      NB: On a Bright clear day, if all 4 directions are not above 1.5 Volt there may be a faulty/broken wire.
  2. M - Manual Button:
    1. Short press of the button will enter the controller into the manual mode.
    2. Hold for 4s will enter into Configuration mode.
  3. E - East direction or scroll selection:
    1. (in manual mode) start the motor to rotate the Racking towards East.
    2. (in configuration mode) scrolls parameters Up.
  4. W - West direction or scroll selection:
    1. (in manual mode) Turns the racking to the West.
    2. (in configuration mode) scrolls parameters Down.
  5. S - South direction or decrease in value:
    1. (in manual mode) Tilts the racking backwards towards South Horizontal position (Southern Hemisphere).
    2. (in configuration mode) Decreasing the value of selected parameter.
  6. N - North direction or value increase:
    1. (in manual mode) Tilts the racking forward towards the North (Southern Hemisphere).
    2. (in configuration mode) Increases the value of selected parameter.

Configuration Parameters; (model version 2024)

V1 - (0.1-2.50) Sun Tracking Accuracy (default 0.10). If the difference in readings between the E and W or S and N sensors is greater than the indicated value, the tracker corrects its position in relation to the light radiation.

V2 - (0.0-2.50) Analogue Anemometer (Wind Sensor) setting at which the controller will pass through the T8~T10 times to park in Horizontal Stow Position (default minimum 0.50~1.00), this parameter also restarts the T2 counter if the racking is already Stowed, the tracker will remains in the safe Stow position until the wind calms down below the programmed setting.

DIG - (0-250) Digital Anemometer (Wind Sensor).

0-5 - Wind Alarm activated by single logical signal.

>5 - Digital pulse per second measurement mode. (default 60) 60pps = 10m/s Wind speed.

(NB: 6pps = 1mt per second Wind Speed) RE: Beaufort Force of 5, is around 10m/s, this is a powerful wind.

V3 - (0.0-2.50) the smallest light sensor reading value at which the solar radiation strength is on the border between day and night (default 0.80).

V4 - (0.0-2.50) cloudiness threshold at which the controller slows down the tracking of the sun (default 1.70), it prevents the tracker from reacting to radiation reflected from the East during normal operation in partially cloudy conditions.

V5 - (0~250) Operation Temperature limit security level.

0-5 - Temperature limit OFF.

> 5 - Temperature limit ON.

(1,75 = 60C, 1,45 = 50C, 1,24 = 40C)

Recommend setting (0) as if Triggered Tracker will Stop moving.


TX - Time interval after which the strength of the East-West Sun is measured in seconds (default 45).

TY - Time interval after which the strength of the North-South Sun is measured in seconds (default 90).

T1 - Sun Recovery waiting time after temporary decrease in value read from one of the sensors (default 1000) this figure can be increased if you have Shading issues from Trees or Buildings etc.

T2 - Wind/Snow Lock, is the Time the Racking stays Locked after detecting Hi-wind. (After going through T8~T10 times) (default 600)

T3 - NEW Day Go East, time the motor will turn Racking to the East direction at End of Day (default 800).

T4 - NEW Day Go West, time the motor will turn Racking to the West direction at End of Day (default 000).

T5 - NEW Day Go South, time the motor will turn Racking to the South direction at End of Day (default 400).

T6 - NEW Day Go North, time the motor will turn Racking to the North direction at End of Day (default 000).

T7 - New Day Delay, Waiting time for darkness, i.e. all sensors show readings below the (V3) value for a long time (after this time the controller will start returning according to the settings T3~T6 (default 1800)

NB: In Southern Hemisphere only the South Tilt & East Rotation are used for NEW Day (End of Day Return) programming.

To start Generating Energy from 5am, depending on the terrain, we program the T5 to just 60 seconds, that leaves the Panels Tilted to the Horizon awaiting Sunrise, and if Hi-Winds are detected the Racking will automatically Start T9 Stow Timing. For Larger DART Racking the T5 & T9 time will need to be longer to suit your Racking in both directions !

T8 - Wind Lock Security is Not used for Dual Axis Tracking (default 000), T8 setting is for long row Horizontal Single Axis Racking aligned North/South and Rotates the Racking from East or West, to reach Flat position in Hi-Wind Stow.

T9 - Wind Lock Go South, after detecting High Wind (default 400) for Southern Hemisphere. IMPORTANT: You need to Time how long it takes Your Racking to go from Full Tilt to the Horizontal Stow Position, then set T9 to that Time !

T10 - Wind Lock Go North, after detecting High Wind (default 000) Only used for Northern Hemisphere installations.

T11 - Pump advance/delay (Not Used)

TRCv - Tracker Configuration (2 or 3 by default).

0 - One Single axis Tilting E~W Axis.

1 - Two Single Axis Tracking, E~W motor +N~S motor used on second single axis tracker (two light sensor needed).

2 - Dual Tilted SR - Tracker Rotation E~W (using Slew Bearing) and Tilting N~S axis (using Linear Actuator or Slew Bearing).

3 - Dual Rotary TR - Two Axis Rotation, E~W axis, and Tilt N~S axis (using two Slew Bearings).

4 - Dual Universal - E~W axis, and N~S Tilt axis (using two Slew Bearings).

You will need to Go into Manual mode & TEST that your Racking moves in all 4 Directions, the Last two letters on the Second line of LCD Screen shows the Direction (N, E, S, W) that the Racking is moving, an X or XX indicates that one or two limit sensors are reached !

DRV - (0 to 5) motor driver type.

0 - DC motor, Soft start, Normally Closed (++) limit switch (Not recommended for Analogue Stops, can go Past & Not Return).

1 - DC motor, Soft start, Normally Open (--) limit switch (Not recommended for Analogue Stops, can go Past & Not Return).

2 - DC motor, Hard start, Normally Closed (++) limit switch.

3 - DC motor, Hard start, Normally Open (--) limit switch. (Chinese Controller uses Normally Open Stop Sensors)

4 - BLDC external driver, Normally Closed (++) limit switch.

5 - BLDC external driver, Normally Open (--) limit switch. (Chinese Controller uses Normally Open Stop Sensors)

6 - External DC H-bridge, Normally Closed (++) limit switch.

7 - External DC H-bridge, Normally Open (--) limit switch. (Chinese Controller uses Normally Open Stop Sensors)

PWM1 - (0-254) East-West motor speed  - If You are using External H-bridge reduce that parameter to 90.

PWM2 - (0-254) North-South motor speed  - If You are using External H-bridge reduce that parameter to 90.

NOTE: H-bridge is an electronic circuit that switches the polarity of the voltage applied to a load to allow DC motors to Run Forwards or Backwards.

AMP - (0 or 1) enable the DC motor load detection system.

0 - OFF.

1 - maximum current limit.

2 - minimum and maximum current limit.

3 - minimum current limit (important in case of using build-in limit switches with Zener diodes - Linear Actuators) MINIMUM = AMP/10.

AMP1 - (0-250) setting of the maximum current consumption east-west.

AMP2 - (0-250) setting the maximum north-south motor current consumption.

ALim - 0000 - Ampere limit. Off

ALim - 0001 - MAX Ampere limit.

ALim - 0002 - MIN MAX Ampere limit.

ALim - 0003 - MIN Ampere limit.


AEW1 - 0250 - MAX Ampere EW (East / West).

ASN1 - 0250 - MAX Ampere SN (South / North).


UART - (0000~0003) enabling communication with the WiFi module - only WiFi version (default-0).

0000 - UART port OFF.

0001 - UART port ON - only remote control.

0002 - REI Watchdog ON for remote control / log and  STC<->ESP - Watchdog.

0003 - REI LOG Send / WD.


UPS - (0 - 2) enabling / disabling the operation of the AC power line Failure detection sensor.

0- turned off.

1- turned on activated by the low state.

2- turned on, activated by the high state (default - 0).


WIFI IP address - The IP address of the WiFi module received from the router / AP - only in the version with WiFi.

(Click image to see Larger image)

INPUT / OUTPUT CONNECTORS: (see above image)

  1. POWER - 4 terminals (power supply to the system with 24V DC).
    • 1-2 Positive (+) terminals.
    • 3-4 Negative (-) terminals.
  2. EW - 2 DC motor terminals East~West direction max 10A.
  3. SN - 2 DC motor terminals North~South direction max 10A.
  4. LIMIT - 5 terminals
    • 1 limiter / reed switch in the East "E" direction.
    • 2 limiter / reed switch in West "W" direction.
    • 3 limiter / reed switch South "S" direction.
    • 4 limiter / reed switch in North "N" direction.
    • 5 ground (GND) common to all directions.
  5. WIND SENSOR: - 4 terminals.
    • 1 supply anemometer / wind sensor - positive pole (+).
    • 2 supply anemometer / wind sensor - negative pole (-).
    • 3 analogue signal from the anemometer / wind sensor in the range of 0 - 5V.
    • 4 digital signal from the anemometer / wind sensor 0-255 pps.
    • 1 "E" terminal reads light from East direction (red wire)
    • 2 "W" terminal reads light from West direction (green wire)
    • 3 "S" terminal reads light from South direction (yellow wire)
    • 4 "N" terminal reads light from North direction (white wire)
    • 5 Ground terminal (GND) for light sensor (black wire)
  7. EXTERNAL: - 8 terminals LHS
    • 1 (GND) negative terminal external (inwerter, BLDC, STEPPER driver)
    • 2 NS speed switch
    • 3 EW speed switch
    • 4 zacisk darlington signal direction N
    • 5 zacisk darlington signal direction S
    • 6 zacisk darlington signal direction W
    • 7 zacisk darlington signal direction E
    • 8 Positive (+) DC power supply external (inwerter, BLDC, STEPPER driver) default 12-24V configurable via J18 jumper
  8. M3|Sens - 5 terminals
    • 1 peripheral device supply default 12-24V configurable via J18 jumper
    • 2 positive signal for main fan
    • 3 GND
    • 4 AC power line failure sensor signal
    • 5 (5V) (activated by J18 jumper)


The controller has 2 main fuses, counting from right to left, from the supply side to the motor output;

  1. E-W max 10A~15A motor power fuse
  2. S-N max 10A~15A motor power fuse

If You motor use more than 3A, it is recommended to use 2 additional fuses between the controller and the motor (on both wires).

How to choose fuses;

If the motor connected to the controller consumes 2A during start-up, the fuse for this motor should be max 3A


  1. The Fuse is meant to burn, not the controller or the motor in long term lock.
  2. If motor use more than 6A set temperature limit and use fan for ventilation of the box in which the driver is installed (possibly with power supply - also source of heat)


A variety of Analogue Anemometers providing a signal from 0 to 5V can be used.

Digital Anemometers commonly use Pulses Per Second (pps), where 6pps = 1mt per second Wind Speed.

Many units require a power supply, e.g.

  1. brown or Red (+)
  2. black (-)
  3. green (-)
  4. blue (signal)

You can connect the black and green wire to the same controller terminal directly.

The best way to TEST Anemometer, is to use a Leaf blower with the Air flow blowing into the Cups to Trigger the Stow function, the other way is to set the Trigger point Very low, to Trigger the Stow function.

ATTENTION; The Wind gauge (Anemometer) is a very sensitive device, if a poor quality DC power supply is used, it may affect the correct operation of the Anemometer - then a separate power supply (small, about 50mA 12V or 24V) should be used for the anemometer, this will isolate the disturbances.

The controller also has the option to adjust noise filtering with the rotary potentiometer.

The disturbances are manifested by the fact that the controller detects the wind, even if the anemometer is spinning very slowly, the display shows a gradually increasing reading until the threshold set in the configuration is exceeded.

Any questions please contact us, thanks.


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