If you know what Equipment you want to get a conformation Quotation for, fill in one of these Package Deal Order forms.
To get an Evaluation & Costs to Supply the Equipment for small Residential systems up too 100kw Solar Farm for Profit, then fill in one of these Micro Power Grid Evaluation Forms, these forms saves our time having to ask all the important Questions !
Please Note: 100kW Solar Array is the largest Capacity Solar Array anyone can build, and still claim the One-off Government Renewable Small-scale Technology Certificates (STC), that you can either sell to one of several STC Traders to reduce your System Costs.
The STC's for a 100kW Solar Array can be Calculated here, the STC's Credit Significantly reduces the Return On Investment (ROI), and recoveres the cost for Solar Panels.
Those looking to get a Return-on-Investment (ROI) Income for the next 30+ years, the Equipment Cost for 100kW DART Solar Farm is $160.000, allow approx. $300'000 for a Fully Installed & Operational 100kW Solar Farm.
For larger capacity Solar Farms, allow around $1 million per MW, to build a fully installed and operational 1MW~5MW+ Private/Community Solar Farm Evaluation.
The Future Power Generation is incorporating Energy Storage into ALL Systems, as it allows the owners to sell there Energy at Peak-rates, that further increase the long-term income, as these DART Arrays are a Solar Power Station that produces Peak Energy from 10~14 hours each day, the further South of the Equator the Better.
Energy Storage costs start from $200~$900kWh depending on the Technology.
If you have a simple Question, then use this form, BUT if you want Advice, Please fill in the Residential Enquiry Form, as it asks all the Questions needed to provide you with straight No-BS Advice !