Return On Investment (RIO) Calculator: (13)
CRYPTO MINERS: 19x Bitmain (Antminer S19J XP) Miners each draw 13A @240V x 24 hrs = 60kW per hour.
Systems Daily Energy Consumption is approx. 1'450kWh day, supported by Energy Storage. |
# Product costs shown are based on Exchange Rate at time of Ordering, so change the Exchange Rate above to show the time to Return On Investment (ROI).
* Only if more power is generated than consumed, this calculator will reduce your Payback Time further !
If you want to calculate your Battery system Amp-hour (Ah) into Kilowatt Hour (kWh) Electrical Click Here. |
Important: Please note that all amounts and *estimates shown above can be set to suit multiple configurations, and are used for symbolic estimation purpose only. The actual figure depends on lots of issues including quantity of sun (cloud coverage), Fixed panels, Single Axis or Dual Axis Tracking, Cabling (DC/AC), electrical connections and losses etc. These amounts and figures should be considered as example only, and under whatever circumstances, we do not make any guarantee, or cannot be held responsible about these estimates, if used as an actual Return On Investment ! |