Payback Investment Calculator: (6)

 MORISSET: 48kWh daily consumption, with Existing 14kW Solar Array.

 This workshop has already paid off 14kWh Solar Array, and harvests 70kWh Day of Solar energy.

 So, we use the Solar Array field, to calculator energy Generating ability!

:: Other Micro Grid Projects ::

 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

If you allready have a Solar Array

(USE THIS Calculator)

If you have a similarly situation, enter some or all "Excess Power" into the "Reposit Retailer" Field, to see the potential of paying off a Battery bank sooner!

Micro Power Grid & Equipment Pay-Back Calculator. 

 Enter your Energy Consumption & the Retail Rate; (kWh Rate needed to calculate savings, based on Self Consumption)

Peak-Energy & Rate ? 
Shoulder-Energy & Rate ? 
Off-Peak-Energy & Rate ? 
 Retailer Daily Supply Charge ? 
$  =  $ Quarterly Grid Supply Charge.   
State Grid Electricity COST: 
                excludes GST.

 Calculate your Equipment & Generation Cost; (#Below equipment costs are set @$0.65 exchange rate)

# Solar/Hybrid Inverter ? 

Using Existing Solar Array ? 

NB: This field ONLY calculate Solar System kW size!

# Select Your Solar Racking Type ? 

 Hours of Generation. 

 # Dual Axis-solar Tracking Unit ? 

# Energy Storage ? 

# Back-up Diesel Generator ? 

Cost of Wind Mill ? 

$   Wind Power Generated:  kW (Day)     kW Wind Power (Year) 

Cost of Aqua Generator ? 

$   Aqua Power Generated:  kW (Day)     kW Aqua Power (Year) 

 System Energy Generated & Energy Storage Results;

 Peak Solar Energy Generated:

 kWh Day    $

Battery Energy Storage:

 kWh Stored Battery Power.   

 Gen-Set Power Generated:

       kW (Day)    kW (Year)     litres (Day)   $Day  

 Micro Power Grid Results;





*TOTAL System EXCESS Energy:

kWh Year     $

 Excess Energy field MUST be Positive, if not, increase Solar or other Energy production, more Energy production reduces the break-even period quicker !

 *Enter the Energy you could sell via P2P Energy Trading:

 kWh Year     $

In the Red P2P field above, Enter no more than is in the System Excess Energy field, this will deduct the kWh from System Excess Energy field.

 NB: You must have Battery Storage, to be able to On-sell energy to a Bespoke Retailer !

TOTAL System Cost: $ Calculate Equipment cost at Exchange rate!
Total Yearly Power Production Cost: $ NB: Energy storage is required to Self-consume all your generated energy.
Payback Time:  Before profit, includes System cost, less any Rebates, Credits & Fuel cost.
TOTAL Yearly Savings/Income: $ After the break-even period, includes Solar savings, Feed-in and Harvest Credits.

Will your electricity savings pay for Financing your Micro Power Grid ?

YES, if you add a year to the 'PayBack time' and $1'000 for installation, your Monthly repayment should be less then your Power bill !

The larger your Energy storage the more secure and less chance of you having a black-out.

# Approx. product costs to become totally independent of the state grid.

* Only if more power is generated than consumed, this calculator will reduce your Payback Time further !

If you want to calculate your Battery system Amp-hour (Ah) into Kilowatt Hour (kWh) Electrical Click Here.


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