Frequently asked Questions

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How much Greenhouse gas is my Engine generating ?



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Click on below questions to see the answers !

Most asked Question: What Micro Power System is right for me ?
IMPORTANT: Will I lose my Solar Feed-in Tariff if Batteries are added ?
Are there better Feed-in Tariff than 6~11 cents kWh ?
What are the various Australian State Feed in Tariffs ?
What is the Difference Between kW & kWh ?
How do I calculate the kW size Solar array I require ?
Will my Solar Systems Work During Blackouts ?
How do Solar Retailers Calculate there Quotes & STC's Credits ?
What does it Cost to become Totally Power Independent ?
How much does a Solar Array Cost per kW ?
What are the benefits of Dual and Single Axis Solar Tracking ?
What are the differences between Energy Optimisers & Micro-inverters ?
What Solar Racking is the Best at Generating/Harvesting Energy ?
What are the Total Costs to build a Solar Farm ?
What are the Labour Costs to install Solar Farm ?
How long does it take to Install a 1MW Solar Farm ?
What are the costs to Install & Commission a 11kVa Solar Farm Sub-Station ?
Do I need a Battery Bank ?
What Batteries / Energy Storage is the Best ?
I already have Solar, do I need another inverter when adding a Battery bank ?
What is "MPPT" ?
What is an "MPPT" Charge Controller ?
How does MPPT work ?
How a Power Point TRACKER Works !
So what is mean by "optimise" ?

How do ultra-fast battery chargers work ?

Is it cheaper to operate a Fuel GENERATOR than pay for state electricity ?
Can I use my small/camping Generator & how long will it last for ?
How much does a kWh of electricity cost to produce using a Generator ?
What type of Fuel do Gen-Sets use ?
How much Greenhouse Gas does a Gen-Set produce ?
How much Water flow is required for an Aqua generator ?
What is a Bio-Gas and Bio-Methane Plant ?

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