1) VAWT's located in High Wind Areas, commonly only require a 3 Blades.
Ideal site to install should have consistent high average wind speeds and minimal turbulence.
The higher the average wind speed, the higher the generated power and greater total output of Power.
(For example, a wind speed of 5 m/s can generate nearly twice the electricity than a wind speed of 4 m/s.)
2) VAWT's located in LOW Wind Areas, and Lower to the Ground, can use 5 Blades.
As the more Blades used in Low wind areas, will generate more Power as the additional Blades produce more rotational force on the wind turbine, ensuring smoother mechanical .
For optimum Generation 6mt Clearance of Buildings, Trees & Terrain, is an ideal height to set a wind turbine.
The 500W Vertical Blade Wind Turbines are 30% more efficient than other brands.
500W Vertical Axis Generator 12~24Volts AC.
Vertical Axis Generator
500W Roof mounted Turbine, with the Mast braced through the tin roof.